Streamer activity for Dakota River Bend between 20/08/24 and 21/11/24

Last 24 Hours Last Week Last Month Last 3 Months

Online Graph

There was 344 days 17 hours and 3 minutes streamed by 136 streamers

pederikachu_ 606hrs 53mins
waksiiiboi 423hrs
Bampip 419hrs 9mins
alvindengaming 402hrs 32mins
quazimofo 395hrs 27mins
IrisMengu 307hrs 29mins
OldManGaming1968 265hrs 11mins
MrChakra 252hrs 52mins
AlliaSherri 221hrs 4mins
stepoffgaming 211hrs 22mins
teoorecluso 208hrs 17mins
sirdikhead 204hrs 26mins
tetsufurytv 203hrs 36mins
mawee__ 188hrs 57mins
chickenjai014 188hrs 31mins
lilrasclesgaming 166hrs 32mins
herman0ng 164hrs 40mins
DoeVonGeeTV 160hrs 21mins
john_boyk 145hrs 28mins
mslovelymadmax 144hrs 58mins
Babyruger 141hrs 59mins
TMADTV 138hrs 45mins
itsmrSTATS 120hrs 34mins
NVME336 118hrs 25mins
KingzzGamingg 117hrs 43mins
harshi_ph 104hrs 27mins
ItsDinoTTV 103hrs 36mins
OMGCannaDuh 101hrs 50mins
BushChook_ 85hrs 43mins
TaiwanTim 85hrs 22mins
KyoTPack 79hrs 13mins
MissHannianne 76hrs 37mins
kuyanico_ 65hrs 37mins
JeZzEBeL420 64hrs 28mins
FrontierFablesRP 59hrs 38mins
lyonessie 58hrs 27mins
kojikenobi 54hrs 21mins
poorboygaming101 52hrs 3mins
KappinSpaulding 51hrs 55mins
fatcheeze88 50hrs 20mins
TheMizfitShow 49hrs 14mins
J3BUSCHR1ST0 46hrs 57mins
Ainurauco 42hrs 50mins
jevii02 42hrs 48mins
GlobPlays 41hrs 58mins
Exity 41hrs 27mins
Pauuleyy__ 41hrs 25mins
Fwostyyyyyy 39hrs 36mins
ItsSmashly 39hrs 32mins
TrainspottingTV_Alex 39hrs 21mins
jamandjelly2003 32hrs 53mins
Zyka11 31hrs 25mins
garflife 28hrs 47mins
viking_warriors 28hrs 33mins
giannrp 28hrs 10mins
iSKO_Ss 28hrs 5mins
Tesseractwolfe 26hrs 51mins
ElemWolf 26hrs 21mins
CrashnBurnShow 26hrs 1m
TheMrMalave 25hrs 53mins
TarotAndGames 23hrs 35mins
Dman_Time 22hrs 36mins
skippyrooney 22hrs 28mins
dakari_ceychi 21hrs 11mins
UUino 19hrs 16mins
meanmuggamingrp 18hrs 37mins
CosmosSine 18hrs 31mins
Tatus_TV 18hrs 6mins
chicocartier_tv 16hrs 56mins
Sabreenana 16hrs 41mins
coachp2_ 16hrs 27mins
Remicee 15hrs 19mins
SoloBounty 14hrs 57mins
bonnieboo_ 14hrs 39mins
LadyBelvoirVT 14hrs 18mins
Steldin 12hrs 58mins
oh_yes_im_oh_yes_i 12hrs 34mins
SwampiePrincess 11hrs 9mins
iSusty 11hrs 2mins
Rebelle_Elegance 11hrs 1m
cowgirlkt 10hrs 41mins
haydden_mj 10hrs 36mins
xTacoQueenx 10hrs 22mins
ClassicAndyTV 9hrs 14mins
Trish_G4ming 9hrs 2mins
Cheeto__Addict 9hrs 1m
Thumbz313 8hrs 49mins
mrjackriley 7hrs 47mins
SinisterLives360 7hrs 32mins
Furskidoodle 6hrs 45mins
FPSFoxi 6hrs 43mins
Mr_Mf_Magoo 6hrs 37mins
JakMcD77 6hrs 11mins
sizzlingsisigph 5hrs 36mins
CX4RXOfficial 5hrs 32mins
Gunnersmama24 5hrs 26mins
equinox2842 5hrs 24mins
sharpskull7377 4hrs 57mins
itslilmoonx 4hrs 51mins
thabardking 4hrs 27mins
MrCreami 4hrs 25mins
DjMiamiYo 4hrs 24mins
itsjohnnyy_ 3hrs 59mins
MakoChasers 3hrs 49mins
PhasDaddyTTV 3hrs 44mins
Eddiewardo_ 3hrs 39mins
FireManDann 3hrs 15mins
genje36 2hrs 52mins
Brad__T 2hrs 49mins
KuyaJepGaming 2hrs 47mins
ItsAlphaK9 2hrs 47mins
VillTheChill 2hrs 46mins
sausagetyphoon 2hrs 41mins
xtreme_phg 2hrs 36mins
goldmine44 2hrs 35mins
vhin_plays 2hrs 30mins
kawaiicoyote_al 2hrs 21mins
TheFacelessBanana 2hrs 19mins
heathendev 2hrs 9mins
WyntaRos3 2hrs
IsabelleGrey 1hr 52mins
LilsaintGame 1hr 46mins
kabizzle 1hr 25mins
S1rYawnsAlot 1hr 19mins
TheAstridPup 1hr 16mins
veryunpopular 1hr 15mins
teowulf1 1hr 7mins
TiyoPio 55mins
mobnob_ 54mins
SonjaHazePlays 52mins
rossthehoss84 51mins
arcticgoober 40mins
AlienAntix 26mins
mnc_grue 7mins
CoughRx 2mins
aesaxus 1m